Darko Pajcin

My Photo
Location: Beograd, Serbia, Serbia

Born 7 March 1978th in Pljevlja. He lives in Belgrade where he graduated from the Faculty of Applied Arts Department prints and books, with Professor Rastko Ciric. He graduated from the works of illustration and Calligraphy 2003rd year. Mainly deals with illustrations,painting and comics. The illustrations were published in various magazines, books, textbooks, and various promotional and educational publications. AWARDS: 2007 .- The awards sponsor, the record label "White Way" and of "Computerland" on the fifth comic book lounge in SKC Belgrade to strip Gospodska pie "that is co-author with Darko Pajcin 2003 .- The Memorial plaque "Kokan Nikola Mitrovic" in comics, the fifth Balkan festival of young authors on the Leskovac

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Srpska seljanka

Jedna od najspontanijih i najdrazih ilustracija iz knjige.

Adjemi Oglan

Prva ilustracija za knjigu "Srbi u Osmanskom carstvu (XV-XVIII)"koju sam radio sa Sasom Arsenicem za Kreativni Centar.